Saturday, November 1, 2008

Portuguese Knitting

Debbie is offering the Portuguese Knitting class (see calendar) and I wanted to recommend this and share the class description:

Portuguese Knitting
In this class you will learn how to knit and purl using a knitting pin attached to your shoulder. This is a great technique for people who have arthritis or carpal tunnel. It is also a great way to do color work knitting (fair isle or intarsia). This is a one-session class. Materials: worsted weight yarn in two light colors and needles in size appropriate for your yarn. Fee: $30 and includes the knitting pin. Level: Advanced Beginner

Here's a video of a knitter using a knitting pin to knit Portuguese-style:

Debbie will also show you how this makes Fair Isle knitting a little bit faster and easier. I like this technique because it speeds up my purling.

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