Monday, April 1, 2013

Two fun classes offered on April 12th!

We are offering two different and unique classes on Friday, April 12th.
In the morning, our spinning instructor, Lisa Rose, is offering a Fiber Preparation class from 10 am to 2 pm, with a half hour break for lunch (not included). If you’ve ever toyed with the idea of a sheep to shawl project, this would be a good introduction! In this class you will learn how to prepare wool fleece to get it ready for spinning and dyeing. You will prepare and scour the fleece, then use your clean wool to learn the different methods for fiber preparation: drum carder, hand cards, wool combs, and brush. You will also learn how to prepare a dye pot with onion skins and dye your wool and you will compare and contrast different types of fiber and sheep breeds.

The Fiber Prep class is $45, includes all supplies and handouts, and you will take home your dyed and prepared wool samples. You must register and pay for this class by Friday, April 5th , and because the instructor will be acquiring the fleece and supplies based on registration, there can be no refunds.

Join us the evening of April 12th from 6 pm to 9 pm for a Play Date with Color class. If you’ve struggled to choose colors that go well together for a project, you will enjoy this class. We will learn to combine colors using a unique color grid and then work with coloring sheets to create different color combinations. Then we’ll practice knitting colorwork swatches with supplied yarn.
The Play Date with Color class is $35, payable on registration, and includes the Color Grid, yarn for swatches, two colorwork patterns, and a light dinner. This would be a fun evening to spend with a knitting buddy!

Space is limited in both classes, so call today to sign up!

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